I have an unhealthy obsession with trying to hop forward to handstand. It’s down the road, but I like to think one day I could get there.
In a workshop we partnered off trying to stack the hips over the shoulders. With a yoga buddy standing in front of you they served as a wall and could gently guide the hips back down with a gentle nudge. That’s assuming you could get the hips to lift that high.
The whole act of hopping forward scared the crap out of me though I was in no danger of getting my hips that high.
None. Nada. Zip. Zero.
But I’m a determined chick. I found Kino MacGregor’s video on floating forward. I was still too chicken to do it without the wall. However, that aside, I followed Kino’s direction. And I practiced and practiced.
Though I was sure I was getting closer, I wasn’t sure how far I had to go.
Until today.
My friend Jessica teaches an early morning hot vinyasa class that gets the juices flowing. After class, we were talking about hopping forward. I was demonstrated my lack of progress.
But then, a new element was added. I got some encouragement. Bam. I was up. My feet were planted, but I was in handstand. Excited, I sprung up!!
Someone said, “You just needed a few cheerleaders!”
Ain’t that the truth.
We could all use a few cheerleaders along the way.
Yoga is community. Yoga is support. Yoga is cheerleaders telling you that you CAN do it.
I’m so grateful. Cheerleader yoga.
Namaste y’all.